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Rivonia Chiropractic Clinic

Management of sports injuries


Sporting injuries also fall within the repertoire of conditions treated by chiropractors. Athletes, both professional and amateur, suffer with injuries that are avoidable, but which may reduce their performance or even rule them out of competition completely. These injuries often relate to simple biomechanical dysfunction. In other words, the relationship between the joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and nerves responsible for coordinated, precise movements becomes distorted. A classic example is the maintenance of full and free mobility of the sacroiliac joint in the prevention of hamstring strain/tear injuries. With the continual drive to enhance athletes’ potential and reduce injuries, coaches and medical professionals are seeking a wider variety of treatment modalities.

The chiropractors’ approach toward dealing with such sport injuries is becoming more widely accepted. This is mainly due to the fact that chiropractic is a drug-free and surgery-free approach, which is simultaneously a preventative and performance-enhancing form of care.